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Adobe Experience Cloud "The reinvention of normal"

Adobe Experience Cloud
Business Continuity: The reinvention of normal Playbook

In this playbook we share lessons learned. Illustrations below accompany individual lesson in the playbook. 

Lesson 1Real-time customer insights are more essential than ever
Lesson 2Agility is key when pivoting in a pandemic
Lesson 3People need human connection, especially right now
Lesson 4New ways of working can have lasting benefits
Lesson 5: Reexamine everything – from strategy to structure and beyond
Lesson 6We’re not going back, so accelerate digital adoption now

PDF available for download in each section

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Copy direction: Adam Morgan and Matthew Rayback
Animation: Andrew Bowser and Will Blanton
Web UX experience: Josh Souter and Kat Calderon

Thank you!

Adobe Experience Cloud "The reinvention of normal"

Adobe Experience Cloud "The reinvention of normal"

Adobe Experience Cloud Business Continuity: The reinvention of normal playbook
