Group work- Information reaching/ Project activity creating
Slut-shaming always happens around our lives.
In this project, we organize a group called “slut club” to support the female who suffer or had experienced slut-shaming in their lives.
During the research, we interviewed many ladies who shared their slut- shaming stories with us. To create a safe and comfortable space for our interviewees and visitors, we built a tent as a private room for people to stay and share their intimate thoughts and experiences. The idea of a warm tent also set a model for our final exhibition space.
we hope to create an online or offline space for those who might had been through slut-shaming could feel safe to talk and support each other.

The exhibition space we created was a giant vagina set up with soft peach colored silk. Inside the space, a video of male eyes was set to symbolized the male gaze and showed. The space was full of white noise, composed of the female whisper about their stories. We also set humidifiers in the space with peach flavor, associated with our logo and make the whole room warm and wet just like a vagina.
People are welcomed to down and enjoy the whole space, there are also some notes provided for people to write down their thoughts or stories anonymously. The notes can be pinned on the silk wall to be collected by us.

The whole space is set to make people feel safe to share anything they want, by the stories we collected and the communication with the visitors, we got many valuable stories and thoughts after the exhibition.

