Artedore — interior doors' new russian brand. Idea, branding, doors design, supervision, exhibition design, video. New doors debuted successfully at the largest annual international construction exhibition in Europe and Russia — Mosbuild on april 2013. Also Artedore is a participant of upcoming St.Petersburg Design Week on May 2013.
Mikhail Belyaev -- idea, design, art-direction & supervision
Petr Merkulov -- project management and supervision
Znamya llc -- technological support
Vera Borovskaya -- textile consulting
Evgeny Aquarelich -- photography & camera
Kiril Arkharov -- CG
Ilija Deca -- composer
Viking llc -- manufacture
For more info, please, visit my
MosBuild is the largest annual international construction exhibition in Europe and Russia with 'UFI Approved Event' status:
Artedore project

Artedore project

Artedore — interior doors' new russian brand. Idea, branding, doors design, supervision, exhibition design, video. New doors debuted successfully Read More
