Mini Scooper is an Ice Cream Cart whose package opens into a street view. 

As a part of the course we went through a process of making a toy to it's branding and packaging. 
The whole process was to go through this process from scratch. The toy was inspired from the role play
 games we played in our childhood, like Doll House and Kitchen Set.
A board was set to get the feel of an Ice Cream Cart. The toy was made by 
Vacuum forming method. And the Ice Cream cones and ice cream blocks were sculpted with air dry clay.

The toy is collapsible that engages the children to assemble the toy and 
develop motor skills and recognise shape, build concentration and a sense of achievement.

Package prototype 
The packaging box for the toy does not only holds the toy but also opens out and turns into a street map.

Logo and package graphics.
Thank you !
Mini Scooper


Mini Scooper

Mini Scooper is a role play toy for 4+ year old children.  It is an Ice Cream Cart, having a package once opened turns into a street view. This p 阅读更多内容
