The Brief

In this brief we had to define what our passion is, with that passion we had to create an innovative app that was a first of its kind.

The app that is created will not only be just an app, it will be a portfolio piece that will let viewers know what you are about and your interests.

When creating the app, you have to think in terms of someone who never knew anything about your passion. The app had to show the viewer what you would want them to know about the passion.
My how might we Question

How might we help those who are beginning at the track be more productive, efficient,  aster and cost effective, so that they can improve and have more fun at the track?
The Process
First Draft
Second Draft
Third Draft
Light version
The User Journey

The user journey was made with an old person in mind because if an old person can use your app then anyone can. 
The wireframe
The Logo

The Final App
The Promo Videos
The Mock Ups
The Rationale

The Rapid Racing app was designed for every car enthusiast that wants to take their car out on any track and improve their racing. The app records your lap and then provides feedback so that you can have better times, in any category of racing whether it be rallying, drag or circuit, the app will provide be feedback, the app also allows you to set a reference lap so that you can base your next lap times on and if you go fast than the reference lap, that lap time will be your new reference lap. Unlike other racing apps out there, the Rapid Racing app provide an easy to use platform and allows you to chat to other car enthusiasts and get information or advise from other people. For the best user experience the app is mostly automated, like when you show up at the track, the app will know based off the Geo location of the phone, that you are at that track, and it will show you, your information from that track. Another key feature is that the app tracks your progress and shows you that progress when you launch the app, another cool feature is that at the feedback stage of the app, you the user can view on board footage of your run and with that show you, your braking zones for example compared to the recommended braking zone.
The Rapid Racing app is a much needed App that is long  over due and is targeted at the car world more than anything.
Thank You
Rapid Racing

Rapid Racing
