An absurd colloid of two separate perspectives of the same corridor in my college, a kid from the mountains, and a sliced balloon. 
Back in the final two years of my school, I came across these retro collage edits when I started browsing vapor aesthetics. I loved the idea of how various images could be cut and pasted digitally to get an amazing amalgamation. My initial attempts were clumsy with untidy cutouts, not-so-great overlays, and so on. These are a few of those iterations. From a critical point of view, these need a lot more work. But the sheer absurdity of both creating and the experience of creating it is probably the real treasure in here for me.
Featuring the kind woman from Bhutan who generously posed for a photograph
A Head full of Dreams
The mountains have always been a source of tranquility for me. They water the dormant seeds inside one's head - seeds that have dried up from all of life's routine. Bhutan along with its scenery, people (and dogs!) reflected a great deal of happiness and peace.
Featuring all my scribblings and doodles from when I was 16.
This haphazard union of doodles somehow portrays all the trepidation, heartbreaks, yearnings, and dreams of the late teens.
Kite Runner paperback featuring leaves and shells as souvenirs from Goa, and a pretty flower from the hills of East Sikkim.
Paper over the Cracks


Collage edits made with travel photographs, with selections, cutouts and overlays.



Sectores creativos