ES - #Reposted es un obrador especializado en la elaboración de bizcochos con masa madre y que investiga en fórmulas que recuperan la tradición y los sabores mediterráneos.

EN - #Reposted is a bakery specialized in the making of sourdough cakes and focused in researching mediterranean tradition and flavours.

ES - Para el packaging identificamos varias familias de sabores asignándoles colores flúor y texturas.

EN - Neon colors and patterns identifies several flavour types for the packaging.

ES - Una serie de pegatinas rellenables ayudan a identificar cada bizcocho según su sabor e ingredientes.

EN - A series of fillable stickers helps identify each cake with its flavour and ingredients.

Naming and copywriting - Molaría
Photography - Inés Garp

Thank you so much!
Follow me at Instagram




#Reposted is a bakery specialized in the making of sourdough cakes and focused in researching mediterranean tradition and flavours.
