Facet App (AI image editing for creators)'s profileMultimedia perfomances Serpentes's profile

GRATITUDE #MadewithFacet by Serpentes

Made with Facet💎 ​​​​​​​by Serpentes

GRATITUDE is is #MadewithFacet by Serpentes, a Facet💎 artist grant recipient. Based in Slovenia, Serpentes is a creative brand that combines power of art with inventive side of play and communication skills. Their creations are an innovative web of live performances and digital arts. 
Terra Nova

✨ Interested in a Facet artist grant? ✨

Facet is commissioning visual storytellers to create new works with our AI-powered image editor. We're offering $500 grants for select work incorporating Facet in some way.

Whether you’re a photographer, retoucher, designer or visual artist—we want your help. We’re looking for people to create in Facet, provide feedback, and share your work and process. 

Selected artists will receive a $500 grant for bringing their own vision to life, incorporating Facet in some way. We have chosen our early round of commissions, but there are still more grants available, so please apply! 


Register for Early Access to Facet:

Get the program details here: 
The Goddess is Landing
GRATITUDE by Serpentes
"Our archetypal characters break down the barrier that separates imaginary and real, spiritual energy from everyday life. They lead viewers on a journey to an infinite world of Creative Imagination. We believe that Beauty, Harmony and Love have a healing power."
- Serpentes, on GRATITUDE

See more by the artist: 
"Facet used truly visual thinking in its AI. Its ability to recognize visible elements of image and to make smart, content-aware masks, immediately involves us in the transformative process. The online studio allows us to experience intuitive, creative flow. We can easily and playfully transform the look and feel of different image elements—and you can do this with a series of images simultaneously! The results are very compelling, with strong and appealing presence. We look forward to using Facet in our daily activities." 

- Serpentes
About Facet 💎
Facet is the first fully content-aware image editor, with automatic layering, intelligent color-grading & aesthetic transfer, intuitive batch editing, and seamless collaboration and sharing built-in.​​​​​​​

GRATITUDE #MadewithFacet by Serpentes

GRATITUDE #MadewithFacet by Serpentes

GRATITUDE featuring The Goddess is Landing, Earth, Genesis, and Terra Nova. #MadewithFacet by Serpentes. Serpentes is a creative brand that combi Read More



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