Bonaire - Experience Fun at Sea
One of the funnest projects I've worked with in a while. And I say fun because, who doesn't like the beach-life? Bonaire is an island located in the Antilles Isles where many activities await any visitor who travels there.

A lot of culture, a lot of natural life, a lot of sea activitities. There was a lot to do.  So, for starters, the style design. I wanted to show the client what the video could look like. He liked it very much and asked or a storyboard.

Now, before you see the images, I want you to pay special attention to the coral reef which, honestly, made my computer explode a couple of times. There's just so many vectors in that one scene, but it ended up looking great! Another great challenge was making the water look great. Let me just show you some of the stills.
The animation was something else. Here, pacing and water effects were most important for me, since I wanted the vector illustrations to shine. This was very new to me but I made it work so as to not overthrow the huge amount of work spent for it.

I will upload my original render, but if I ever get my hands on the full sound edition, I will post the link right here. Very fun project!


