Ricky Plows's profile

Adam Rae - Director

Adam Rae - Director
When asked to produce an identity for a director my first instinct was to find what i can associate to the proffesion. The usual cliches of film reel, directors chairs and cameras immediately entered and even sooner left my mind. There were no physical symbols or attatchments that i felt would reflect a director without it looking like a piece of clip art. 
Then the concept of 'the fourth wall' hit me, the dictionary definition of this is;

Fourth Wall

''The imaginary wall of a box set, separating the actors from the audience''
The fourth wall is consistent through out every film that has even been aired on a screen, it is the wall that seperates us and them. Now every so often this wall is broken, when the wall is broken it allows the character to directly inteact with the audience, something that would be perfect to showcase the storytelling abilities of the director. 
the next step was to create a proffesional identity with this concept as the core aspect. 

Adam Rae - Director

Adam Rae - Director

Adam Rae - Director Identity for film and commercial director Adam Rae
