I have became increasingly familiar with (and fond of) G Suite. This set of online software proved versatile for the projects I complete in academic, social, and professional settings.
As the Media Studies Academic Intern for 2019-2020 academic year, I heavily used Google's Shared Drive to collaborate and share documents with my administrative team. Google Slides was also perfect for designing a student handbook all about declaring a major with our program. This 15-page document is complete with a table of contents, troubleshooting section, and a YouTube video that provides an overview of what Media Studies is really about. Students interested in the program can access it via PDF or URL.
As a student in the “Decolonizing the Exhibition” course, my classmates and I collaborated to design and open a full exhibit at Vassar College’s Palmer Gallery. The show was open to the public for over a month, contained over 25 pieces, and even screened a web series by one of 18 Native American artists. Using Google Sites, I published an online catalog of the exhibit to include artist bios and wall labels for each piece featured in the show. The result is a website that both physical and digital visitors can easily access. My hope is that this memorable project continues reaching new people long after the show's conclusion. 
Serving as my final project for MEDS 260: Media Theory, Global Interchange Formats is a digital essay on the intersections of theory and practice in cyberspace. This Google Slides presentation is sized like a traditional essay but incorporates GIFs, hyperlinks, and video throughout the text. I enjoyed piecing together this analysis through a combination of critical thinking and multimedia production -- this is precisely why I enjoyed majoring in Media Studies. Using Slides also allowed this project to exist publicly -- anyone with the link can view the full text, including my bibliography of academic writing and GIFs!
G Suite

G Suite
