We've created a series of three surrealistic illustrations for The Future Laboratory that represent abstract concepts relating to the future of studying abroad. The illustrations bring to life the future hypotheses as students’ demands, attitudes and behaviours will transform the way universities educate, enrich and entertain.

The Hybrid Campus
"The aim of this illustration is to represent a campus set in 2030, where students will be Radical-Flexers, a 'hybrid generation' where lines blur without distinctions between work, rest and play. In the coming decade, universities will reflect the workplace as flexible, collaborative hubs that adapt to future students’ needs as they prepare for a life of professional nomadism with flexible degree programs and with a desire to test multiple cultures throughout their degree." 
— The Future Laboratory
Phygital Classroom
"The aim of this illustration is to represent a smart classroom where advanced digital technologies are applied such as AI, VR, AR and 5G that all have the potential to assist the student learning experience and attract the digital native international student. In this classroom the technology is an extension of themselves, seamlessly integrating it into their relationships and actively socialise in mixed reality and smart sensor enabled virtual environments." 
— The Future Laboratory

Peer-to-Peer Spending
"The aim of this illustration is to represent how Gen Z will spend money. Digital tools and peer-to-peer payment systems are going to help students enter a financial future by using biometric authentication with unique physical markers such as face and voice-activated payments as this is Generation Z’s favoured peer-to-peer payment systems. Gen Z is looking for communities of likeminded souls, and look for financial tools to help them share purpose through social and peer- to-peer platforms. They also look for ways to spend and invest sustainably, tracking the environmental impact of each credit card transaction, and are interested in how technology will help evaluate the resilience of their purchases to help them budget and plan ahead." 
— The Future Laboratory
For the production process we had to come up with a detailed storyboard and precise instructions for the actors. The photoshoot had a tight schedule – 2 days for round about 150 motives.
Behind the Scenes
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and check out Instagram 
@hallobasis for more!
The Future Of Studying Abroad

The Future Of Studying Abroad
