It was 2083, humanity was drained of fur and needed something new and fresh. Besides, due to global warming, it was very difficult to maintain a fur farm. Brands around the world started to offer people
a new type of modified fur that is very similair to the existing our, non-allergic, mild and no animal dies.
That discovery spread very quickly and the new "fur"
was very warmly welcomed...
It took a few months and almost in every person's wardrobe
was one or more piece of clothing of its wonderful material.
It took years before people started thinking about
where it comes from and how it was made ...
When everything was clear and people were aware
that this new material that everybody was wearing
is made from human skin and hair. After understanding the truth, people changed completely, but not as expected...
People all over the world began to remove their hair and tattoos or anything that could become interesting to some other person.
It was a subconscious reaction to self-defense
that in no case would my hair be someone's fur coat
or skin tattoo will be on someone's wall for illustration.
They were primarily thinking of themselves,
not of those whose hair is worn and whose skin is now on the wall... Isn't that familiar?
We are killed for our beauty now!
Should animals also pull out their fur so that they would not caych your eye? I hope that when you read it and look at the pictures,
there will be something that changes the way you think.
Because it is the customer who dictates the boundaries
of the big brands and influences their choices. Animals, like humans, don't have to die for fashion. 



Photo- Kertin Vasser
