Perfil de Moh'd Sabha

4th International Biennial Design Exhibition, USA

The Korean Society Experimentation in Contemporary Design &
California State University Northridge 
In the 21stcentury, design is a way to increase person’s living standard and also it has a pivotal role in developing a knowledge industry as a national industry. This fact is evident throughout the world that the best policy for ensuring interna- tional competitiveness and increasing living quality is design. Thus, it requires an extensive cultural study and understanding.
At this critical point of time, the fourth United Designs exhibition is a significant event for designers from around the world to share their concerns and cultures to benefit visual knowledge and language by exchanging contemporary designs.
I hope the United Design exhibition can benefit all of us to understand unique designs from around the world that brings us close friendship through exchang- ing spiritual andcultural issues. Therefore, the United Designs exhibition is an international event for bridging the designs of world. 
Moh'd H. Sabha
Amman, Jordan
All Pollution because of you!!
All Pollution Because of You! (p. 94) 
Official Web Site 

All matters regarding copyright of the entry will be the responsibility of the entrant. All posters will become the Collection of United Designs. The organizer reserves right to use all information provided by the entrants, as well as the right to publish, exhibit or reproduce all posters entered for the promotion of the exhibition. 
4th International Biennial Design Exhibition, USA
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4th International Biennial Design Exhibition, USA

The Korean Society Experimentation in Contemporary Design & California State University Northridge In the 21stcentury, design is a way to inc Ver mais

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