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Microsite raising awareness about fake news

Microsite raising awareness about fake news
Did you know that falsehood on social media is spreading six times faster than truth? This and much more in my new website aiming to raise awareness about fake news. Visit fake-news.jaroslavdlask.com to see more.
Why is fake news spreading six times faster than truth?

(1) Selective exposure - Individuals tendency to favour information which reinforces their pre-existing views while avoiding contradictory information.

(2) Confirmation bias - One has his own arguments and also arguments against arguments for his opponents. One is also surrounded by others with the same point of view.

(3) Post-truth politics - Objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.

(4) Social media - Social media algorithms tend to push the most viewed content without checking if it is true or not, which is why they magnify the impact of fake news.
Did you know how to spot fake news?

(1) Disinformation - Fake or misleading stories created and shared deliberately, often by a writer who might have a financial or political motive, e.g. propaganda.

(2) Misinformation - This also means fake or misleading stories, but in this case the stories may not have been deliberately created or shared with the intention to mislead.

(3) Propaganda - False facts which are written to promote a political agenda or a set of ideas.

(4) Mistakes - Sometimes accidents can happen, but a trusted source will always correct errors in their stories and say when they’ve got things wrong.

(5) Satire - Made-up stories that aren’t meant to be taken seriously, written to joke about the news or famous people.

(6) Clickbait - Eye-catching but misleading headlines, designed to get people to click on links to make money or views for a website.
Visit jaroslavdlask.com to see more.
Microsite raising awareness about fake news

Microsite raising awareness about fake news
