Nate Hallinan 님의 프로필

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

I was one of the finishers at Daniel Clark Creative that worked on the promotional campaign for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. As a big Marvel fan, this was another very fun project to be a part of. I was also felt very privileged taking on more a lead finishing role building/retouching all the characters in most of these images.   
For the payoff poster I was responsible for building/retouching/lighting all of the actors and characters. A lot of them were extraordinarily challenging. For example, Starlord was literally built from 17 different shots in order to achieve his pose. Most characters were built using a variety of shots and I needed to make sure they looked as natural as possible. The shot used for Yondu was flipped in design phase, a common issue left to be resolved in finishing, and I had to rebuild him to reflect continuity of the film. I was also responsible for painting a lot of the VFX. (blasters, lasers, etc.)

Poster design by LA
Poster finish by Daniel Clark Creative
For this poster I did a lot of the building/retouching/lighting of actors and characters. Primarily, with a good amount of creative freedom, I got to design where parts of characters lit up to look like a black-light. Drax took forever to mask out his scars at full resolution…

Poster design by B O N D
Poster design further enhanced and finished by Daniel Clark Creative
This was a quick last-minute request by the client for an international poster. I had about a day to design, get approved and finish using assets we built.

Poster design and finish by Daniel Clark Creative
I primarily just did the building/retouching/lighting all of the actors for these billboards and did a little background work on Drax’ BB.

Billboard designs by LA
Billboard finishes by Daniel Clark Creative
I just did the building and retouching of a lot of the actors in the character banners.

Poster designs by LA
Poster finishes by Daniel Clark Creative
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


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