Profil von Cara Ord

Book Cover Concept – Fangirl

Fangirl is a fun must read for any high school leaver thinking of college/university. A funny and nerdy tale I am happy to portray in this mock book design. The voice of Rainbow Rowell lends itself to the whimsy of illustration and so I couldn't resist presenting our leading lady Cath in her comfort place writing up her beloved fan fiction. Fun colours and a strong graphic approach make this book pop off the shelves for it's young adult audience.

This piece was created as part of my #100bookchallenge where I create a book cover design everyday for 100 days. Please see below the original values sketch and the final cover.
To discuss any potential book design work please message me directly or head to my website
Book Cover Concept – Fangirl

Book Cover Concept – Fangirl
