As with most promotional campaigns, I was on the team as a finisher at Daniel Clark Creative which worked on the promotional campaign for Finding Dory. 

Oh boy, this was a massive ongoing project and these aren’t even all the images we did. Hard to explain everything I was responsible for, but it was quite a bit and I’ll try to explain in the captions.
The Payoff poster didn't require that much work, but I did paint/retouch the water surface and light rays as well as the bubbles behind Dory. 
Clios Bronze Winner for theatrical print 2016
This image required a lot of work. A stock image was used as the base, but there was a massive amount of color adjustments and painting/cleaning up  the tendrils all over the image to get the right feel plus integrating the model of Dory. 
I did quite a bit of work just painting and cleaning up the seaweed for this image. 
Very challenging comp to execute because none of these characters or elements were rendered together. I had paint/retouch/adjust/re-light each character, tentacle, droplet and mask. Tentacles weren’t even in those positions so had to repaint, light, and shadow to their new positions. Honestly, had a difficult time when given this comp because physically Dory could not fit in the mask like that, but we have to make the client happy as best we can. :) 
Same as above, very challenging comp to execute because none of the characters or elements were rendered together or in their current positions. I had paint/retouch/adjust/re-light each character, tentacle, glass and inner-tube. Water in the glass and droplets were painted. Tentacles were painted to achieve these positions.
I got very adept at painting Hanks tentacles… Again, none of the characters or elements were rendered together or in their current positions. I had paint/retouch/adjust/re-light each character, tentacle, glasses and cup.
Like a lot of the other images, none of the characters or elements were rendered together or in their current positions. I had paint/retouch/adjust/re-light each character, tentacles, cup and assets as well as integrate them into the scene. That’s the same stock shrub, but had to paint/edit to make each one look different.
None of the characters or elements were rendered together or in their current positions in this image. I had paint/retouch/adjust/re-light each character, tentacle, assets as well as integrate them into the scene.
Had to paint the fur and a lot of the detail on the seals as well as the rocks they are on. Matte painted the background. Painted Dory so she looked wet as well as the water and reflections.
Had to piece together the bird into this position as well as paint the underwater lighting and bubbles.
Mostly just painted Dory specular highlights and all the reflections in the water.
Finding Dory

Finding Dory
