Profilo di Victoria Studio

La voz del padre, la voz de la madre

La voz del padre, la voz de la madre. EDITORIAL DESIGN
"In 1939 my grandfather was imprisoned in the Montjuïc prison. My grandmother moved to Barcelona to be close to him. For eight months they communicated with some little notes that came and went from the prison hidden between clothes or food. The first time I read them I couldn't sleep through the night and the next morning I left a note for my father on the kitchen bench. All the little notes were in an envelope that says "Miniature."
"La voz del padre, la voz de la madre" is a narration in three voices of three generations of the same family. Each one on its circumstances shows us their daily life in a very personal and tender way. For the design of the book we created three different layouts to evoque each of the voices. 
La voz del padre, la voz de la madre

La voz del padre, la voz de la madre
