Profil von Tere Castelló

Digital artwork for Metro Contest

Really messy sketch of what my idea for the illustration was (I changed some little details in the end).
Sketch lines with different gray colors for each character and the background.
View of a little shading. Once I had some important lines made with different shades of grey, i removed my sketch lines (Only the background sketch lines) to give it a nice clean view.
Shading the background and objects.
View of only the background with some fast shading.
The background is almost fully shaded. In this point I have only concentrated on the shading of the background.
Here I added cracks to the windows. it´s supposed to be and old abandoned train car, so that why I started added some little details of deterioration.
View of the inside of the train car. Notice how I darkened the broken windows a little. I really liked this effect and felt really happy of how it came out. :)
In this part, only the main character (Artyom) needs shading and lights.
Almost finished shading all the characters in the illustration.
Background with all the ¨characters¨ in place and ready with all their details finished.
Here I added more shadows and dirtiness on the walls and roof. I also added some more details and made the teddy bear a little bit smaller than the original.
This was the version I sent for the contest, however I decided to make a version with a little bit of color  in it to see how it would come out.
In the end I liked the colored version best.
In the end, I was very happy with the results. It helped me practice and learn a lot of new stuff. :)
Digital artwork for Metro Contest


Digital artwork for Metro Contest

Digital artwork for the Deep Silver contest 2013 Contest page:
