Profil appartenant à Hanta Sero

Making a custom doll, cause why not?

Starting off with a doll, that is somewhat like the top picture, I strip the doll to just the plastic, no hair, no face, and no tattoos. Then, I realize, THE HEAD DOESN'T MATCH THE BODY! So now my original idea is scrapped. Now I need a way to mesh that random color. I also did some mods to the lips, I filed them down a bit. I used nail polish remover to get the paint off. What else? Oh! I am making a kimono for this doll. I will link the pattern when I post it, it’s a free pattern from Enchanterium, I highly recommend to check them out ( on YT )I will be posting the outfit in the next post and how I will be making a wig for her in another post. That’s all I have to say, which was a lot for today, so have a nice day, night or morning!
Making a custom doll, cause why not?
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Making a custom doll, cause why not?

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