Perfil de Aleksandar Simonovic

A non-historical cycle of epic folk songs

 A non-historical cycle of epic folk songs (Неисторијски циклус епских народних песама) is a study project.

This work represents the revival of Serbian epic folk songs in a modern-traditional form, in which digital printing and
hand-binding are combined. The large vertical format adds to the monumentality of the text and the historically important literary work. The illustration, which is made using only typography, is the same font as the text, in order to form a harmonious whole. What makes the bridge between the old and the new is also the use of abstract illustration and illustration with a traditional depiction of saints.
 Cover page                                                                                               Title page
God does not remain indebted to anyone                                                      The Danube married Sava
Deacon Stefan and two angels                                                                    Same again, but different
Saint Nikola                                                                                               Serpent
He who glorifies the baptismal name, shall be helped                                    Brothers and their sister
The saints are sharing wealth                                                                      Marija in hell
Study project:
Bibliophilic edition
Mentor: Olivera Batajić Sretenović
Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade
Year 2019.

A non-historical cycle of epic folk songs
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A non-historical cycle of epic folk songs

This work represents the revival of Serbian epic folk songs in a modern-traditional form, in which digital printing and hand-binding are combined Ver mais

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