Video installation 'Matter'

 My concept is based on three states of matter. These three states are perceptible in everyday life, in solid, liquid and gas form. In my art I focused mainly on water in three states.

Main inspiration of my work is 'Venus of Willendorf'. I used her form to show various states of water. To make this 3d form of Venus I've used blender programe. Each of three animation rotates around its own axis on a loop. First of the Venuses was made in the solid state: ice. On the second screen we can see the Venus melts into liquid. The last animation shows the moment of transition into the gas state.

I've presented this prehistoric sculpture in the modern way. Making 3d animation based on its form gave the new life to the object that has more than 26.000 years.
<in progress>
This project was made in Digital Graphic Studio at the Art Academy in Szczecin
2019 | Karolina Jakubiszyn



