Aaron Lee's profile

Digital Matte Painting

Digital Matte Painting
Pregress Record

In here shows the entire progress from Exercise 1 to the Final Project from April 2020 to Aug 2020.
Starting off with Exercise 1 - Perspectives:
Exercise 2 - Value Studies:
Project 1 - Virtual Plein Air:
Project 2 - Set Extension:
This project was fun but tough as well. It relies heavily on both photobashing techniques and painting skills to blend them all together seamlessly, creating a new environment.
I immediately knew what was I going for in the beginning which is a sci-fi cityscape. Heavily influenced by Ghost In The Shell and Blade Runner.
I eventually came to this stage and also made a rough animation draft.
First Outcome
First Animation Draft
However, I realized that landscape is required instead of portrait format. Thus, I expanded the sides and give a wider perspective to the city.
Final Outcome
Overall, the result is pretty cool. Wouldn't say that it is the best but I think it is a pretty good one for my first time doing matte painting.
Project 3 - Invisible Set Extension:
Digital Matte Painting

Digital Matte Painting
