In a splash.

We are in no game. We don't have three lives here. It's just one and that too will be gone in a SPLASH.

All the difficulties we face somewhere are trying to make us understand that in the process of riding in these difficult trails, we are so caught up in reaching our destination that we have forgotten the actual beauty we are surrounded by.

We all are rushing towards achieving something, but is it truly what we want ? Are we doing it for the sake of ourselves or others? None of these is wrong. Do it for yourself or for someone else but just make sure you find yourself in it enjoying; both success and failure.

We think we know what we want but rarely do we know what we actually want. Is it actually what we want what we think we want?

Things start and get over in a splash. Just don't forget in this one life there are many more splashes ahead on this trail called life.
In the end all that matters is who got the most dirt on them, dirt that turns into hilarious stories and there is nothing but smile on everyone's face.
In a splash

In a splash


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