Alone, in a Crowd - Gregory Crewdson
- There are two people on couches hanging out 
- The man in the chair to the corner appears to be watching tv, whilst the woman sprawled out on the couch is staring into the abyss
- The scene is lit up by partial natural light coming through the window, and partial artificial light coming from the lamp to the left of the frame
- The background is a simple wood, the focus is meant to be what's in the foreground
- The photo is taken in colour, with minimum alteration when editing
- The photo has been taken from eye level, and is made to perceive that the audience is staring down at the subjects

 Analysis refers to how we see the elements and principles of art.
Think about why the photographer emphasized certain elements and not others? What’s in focus? Is only one person or element in focus, or are many elements in focus? What is the purpose of the image?
Are some of these elements more successful than others?
I – Interpretation. In this step, we explore the meaning of the artwork. What is the artist trying to communicate to us? What is the message or story in the artwork? There are no wrong responses here.

J – Judgment. The last step in art criticism is judgment. Is this work of art successful? The work of art may not be your favourite, but it may still be successful. We need to be able to appreciate good art, even if we personally do not like it. Make a judgment about the value, the significance and the importance of the photograph.
Experiential Spaces - Thomas Schaefer
- Subject is an older man with his back to the camera, appearing as if the image is taken mid him looking for something inside of the garage
- Image is taken from outside of garage looking in through the door
- Everything is in focus 
- The image is taken in colour
- The main focus is in the mid point of the scene
- The subject's clothing matches his car

A – Analysis. Analysis refers to how we see the elements and principles of art.
Think about why the photographer emphasized certain elements and not others? What’s in focus? Is only one person or element in focus, or are many elements in focus? What is the purpose of the image?
Are some of these elements more successful than others?
I – Interpretation. In this step, we explore the meaning of the artwork. What is the artist trying to communicate to us? What is the message or story in the artwork? There are no wrong responses here.

J – Judgment. The last step in art criticism is judgment. Is this work of art successful? The work of art may not be your favourite, but it may still be successful. We need to be able to appreciate good art, even if we personally do not like it. Make a judgment about the value, the significance and the importance of the photograph.
Staged Photography

Staged Photography


Sectores creativos