A "skaftin" is a lunch box which generally contains left overs from the previous nights meal.
Skaftin Selects is a passion project of mine. It started as a way to catalogue music and grew into a community of friends curating the culture born from music. This is my personal space to experiment with a multitude of things. The art direction was inspired by aspects of my personal life. Hot pink is my favourite colour. I come from a graffiti background, which has a strange duality with my fascination for Bauhaus principles. I love this project because I get to deejay, edit, produce, design and explore photography.
Here are some playlist covers for the playlists I would curate on a weekly cycle.
Here are some posters used for marketing collateral on the social platforms like Instagram.
A promo video I made for Instagram and the unconventional Portrait video format.
I was encouraged by friends to start a podcast which I produced, edited and hosted. It was a great achievement to get it onto spotify.
A webisode that I produced, recorded and edited. This was a sample for our a Youtube show Beats Benedict.
Finally some mixes I deejay for the Skaftin Selects brand. I try to release a new mix on a regular basis as I learn how to deejay.
Skaftin Selects


Skaftin Selects
