nad Z's profile

Identical Stage

Identical Stage

Modern people have lost their identity and turned to an identical collective framework.

This work stems from my unease about the current environment and my identity. I feel being controlled by everything happening around me gradually. We are mastered by big data algorithms and isolated from the real natural world. People incline to be assimilative but no longer the unique carriers of their own culture, and the Internet has accelerated this global assimilation. We abandoned the respect for nature and fell into the postmodern world we created, then eventually turned into similar codes. I feel it’s something wrong, but I can not escape.

With the development of human civilization, nowadays, culture and religion have been presented in a new strange way. From cognizing the world with symbols to being swallowed up by symbols, I linked the symbols and the Chinese and Western creation myths, as well as the fables about "being" and "truth" with contemporary existentialism and consumerism. Meanwhile, I also put the consideration of my female identity into this context.

The recurring images of numbers, eyes, black figures and hands in this zine are symbolic metaphors about different identities, reflects my suspicion of the government and capital ‘gazing’ us by mastering big data, and the concerns about the destructive force of artificial intelligence development on human culture, also depicts the struggle between my absence and existence in this stage.​​​​​​​





Identical Stage

Identical Stage


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