Interactive installation
This replica solitary confinement cell called attention to the inhumane conditions in which detainees
of Canada’s “War on Terror” are held. Viewers were invited to leave words of support on the walls and to sign pledges to watch (attend a court date), listen (hear a family member of a prisoner speak), or visit (sit with a detainee). Those that did left with buttons to remind them of their commitment.

In collaboration with Aylwin Lo.
The cell is 4' x 8'. The prayer mat faces the toilet, which doubles as a sink. You are under constant surveillance.
After spending some time inside the cell, people were invited to sign pledges to support the detainees.
Leaving messages of solidarity.
Originally conceived as a social justice art piece, the installation was eventually adopted by the Presumption of Innocence Project to use in press conferences critiquing Canada's treatment of detainees and the media hysteria around "homegrown terrorists."


Interactive installation calling attention to the inhumane conditions in which detainees of Canada’s “War on Terror” are held.
