Project: Heavy Bevel
Adventures in rock, metal and type. 
I began this project a year or so ago. Originally I intended to use my guilty pleasure of loving Rock and Metal album covers and logos since being a teenager as a starting point to teach myself 3D in a fun way. Soon afterward it became clear that my 3D limitations (skill wise) were holding back the potential awesomeness of the designs, so what was lost in skill development was gained in extending the life of the project. There are at least 3 or 4 ideas in various stages of development at the moment. I'll pop them up as I finish them.
Space Lightning
Razor Sharp Type
Finding new ways of writing the name 'Heavy Bevel' has been the real fun aspect of the project. It's always nice to figure out new ways of incorporating it into the designs.
Watching 'American Chopper' non stop for a period last year is the reason this one exists. Helped out by a friend Rog on this one for the 3D. I failed in getting to this level, but worked up the vectors, scamps and retouched it afterward.
Heavy 70s
Inspired by, erm, 1970s Rock posters.
 Pedal to the Bevel
Inspired by the posters with populated my bedroom wall during the late 80's, which obviously had a big influence on my
love of the shiny and fast. They dont make cars like this any more (Lamourghini excluded). Whoever 'They' are, 'They' should be ashamed of themselves.
Heavy Bevel

Heavy Bevel

A self initiated project, using a dirty love for Rock and Heavy Metal album covers as a starting point for producing typographical/illustrative e Rozwiń
