Baby App for tracking growth and feedback

This group project at NTNU involved creating an application for a Norwegian hospital with the main focus being on mother's who just given birth, as well as expecting parents. The app was meant to track the progress of the baby's growth, but also provide surveys for the parents to fill out. The survey results would then be sent to the hospital.

Parents who successfully filled out the survey would be rewarded with "green pacifier" coins, which could then be used via the store page. Rewards could vary from a cup of coffee, soda or ice cream at a local shop, or the user could procced to plant a tree/remove garbage from the ocean. This was meant to encourage parents to help the environment and thereby benefit their child's future. How many trees you planted/garbage you removed would then be tracked in your "ecosystem" page. Here it would then be visually displayed through fun and colorful illustrations (drawn to imitate a child's drawings). After planting enough trees, animals would start to show up, encouraging the user to plant more trees/remove garbage through gamification.
Baby App for tracking growth and feedback

Baby App for tracking growth and feedback

An app for parents to track their baby's growth and hospitals to receive feedback from. A school project at NTNU Gjøvik.
