Amyth Venkataramaiahs profil

Cyberia - New Media Festival

It will soon become impossible to imagine life without digital and it is effectively changing many areas of our everyday lives. The real and the virtual world are increasingly entering into a dialogue and starting to merge with each other. Do we see this digital technology as an antagonist or an alter ego? Do we see our future in a dystopian or utopian setting? Cyberia is a platform exploring human perception and worldviews that are widespread in this Digital and New Media Age today.
The festival also poses questions about the basic conditions of digital perception today and how we construct our own conception of the reality of them. Technological systems are connecting people, data, and processes more and more closely together. Immersive technologies will increasingly replace analog surroundings with virtual data rooms, therefore radically changing the way that we interact socially, work, play and how we organize our free time. With our power of imagination and future dreaming the possibilities will be infinite.
Cyberia focuses on perception and interpretation as human qualities. This functions as a thought experiment for the audience raising questions about the intellectual, emotional, and aesthetic implications of artificial visual worlds changing our lived experiences hence opening up endless possibilities for experimentation and playfulness through interdisciplinary approaches. This development brings us an up-close-and-personal encounter with fundamental questions of our own identity and existence.
Cyberia - New Media Festival

Cyberia - New Media Festival
