CM Punk turns into Wolverine.
Work in progress. Coloring almost finished, still needs a couple of more details to make it look more like 90s Fleer Ultra X-Men Trading Cards.
CM Logan's logo using the same style of font as Wolverine's logo.
CM Logan's logo with background. Subtle tiger stripes. 
Complete background, tiger stripes, logo, a bit of color halftone. Fleer UItra 90s style, yo!
Look in my eyes, what do you see? The Cult of Personality! 
CM Logan's arm: Punk's tatoos and a Straight Edge 'X', Wolverine's claws. This was the first time in eons that I've used lens flare. 
Finished! Don't mess with CM Logan, you gona get cut, sucka! For sale on Redbubble and Society6. Redbubble is cool enough to offer stickers. 
CM Logan


CM Logan

CM Punk goes into full feral mode as he adopts Wolverine’s mutant powers and becomes the ultimate living weapon, CM Logan.
