Profil appartenant à Adrien DONOT

Auto-portrait ( PIONEERS OF NOW - wacom contest )

" A mixed media self portait. Between photography, drawing and illustration. "
Deconstruct reality to project it into another world. A world between illustration and photography, a world where time and space seem frozen but where emotions are persistent.
Déstructurer la réalité pour la projeter dans un autre monde. Un monde entre illustration et photographie, un monde ou le temps et l'espace semble figé mais où les émotions sont persistantes.
It's a "one shot" piece of work.
Self portrait made for the Wacom contest "Pioneers of now".
Made with an intuos A4.
Time : 2h.
website :
Evolution of the creation : 
Auto-portrait ( PIONEERS OF NOW - wacom contest )
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Auto-portrait ( PIONEERS OF NOW - wacom contest )

Autoportrait pour le concours wacom. Self portait for the wacom contest.

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