Profil von Madison Robinson

"Deceive Me Not" Booklet

"Deceive Me Not" Booklet
I designed a booklet with a conference talk from an apostle from my church named Gary E. Stevenson. The talk is titled "Deceive Me Not". 
The first thing I did to design this booklet was make a document to format the content. Then, I drew thumbnail sketches to find how I wanted all the text placed on the pages. After that, I played around in Indesign with block quotes and footnotes. Most conference talks have references to scriptures, so I also put scripture verses that Stevenson spoke about during his talk.
I got a lot of help from my classmates with their suggestions. The blue that I originally used was really dark but it was a little hard to tell that it was blue so someone suggested that it should be lighter. I also had the idea of make the block quotes in a rounded rectangle instead of a pointy one because I felt that the normal one looked to sharp.
"Deceive Me Not" Booklet

"Deceive Me Not" Booklet
