Armando Oliver Suinaga 的個人檔案

meander erosion, usumacinta, 2010

meander erosion, usumacinta flood observatory
first prize unlandscaped australia *
*This project was developed by Armando Oliver Suinaga while working for OUTr @ RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, as a submission to the Arquine Magazine 2010 competition in Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico, afterwards presented to the Unlandscaped Australia Competition where it was granted the first prize. OUTr Research Laboratory Key Designers: Rosalea Monacella and Craig Douglas

meander erosion, usumacinta, 2010

meander erosion, usumacinta, 2010

The flood Observatory is a museum, gallery, hotel and refuge along the Usumacinta river in Tabasco, Mexico. The proposal was granted first prize 閱讀更多

