Perfil de Mano Karam

A Story of a Sacrifice #3

ارثر الملك - 1524 ميلاديه

ارثر لم يكن يعلم عن السحر شيء..في صغرة كان يلعب مع اطفال قريته و في احدي المرات سمع صراخ امه من بعيد ف ذهب يجري لنجدتها فوجدها تعاني مع سارق يريد سرقة العقد الذي تركه لها ماجنوس 
بل وهي تميمه لكي لا يقرب لهما اي نوع من الارواح بعد موته لكن السارق قام بطعنها امام طفلها وسرق العقد وهرب
كان المنظر امام ارثر لم يفارق ذهنه صوتها و صورتها الي الابد..ظل ارثر في ذهنه السارق الى الابد و اراد فقط ان يصبح اقوي بدنيا ليرد له الدين بما فعله ب امه
وفي مره من المرات كان موكب الملك يمر من قريه ارثر ليصل لمكان اخر وكان ارثر وقتها كبر واثاء مرور الموكب امامه حدث حادث مدبر لقتل الملك
ذهب ارثر لكي ينقذ الملك املا منه ان يعطه الملك مكافاء بعض العملات الذهبيه لتساعدة علي شراء منزل
ولكن وجد الملك غارق في دماءه
وياللصدف ... ارثر بالفعل نسخة من الملك المقتول 
حاشيه الملك و اصدقاءة عرضو علي ارثر ان يكون الحاكم لفترة لكي لا يعلم الجيش موت الملك لان الجيش علي مشارف الحرب
وهاهو الملك المنتظر بمساعدة الصدف فلنقل وليست الارواح من تدبير ابيه
بعد فتره عرف ارثر ان موت الملك كان مدبر من اصدقاءة لكي يضعفو الدولة ويجعلو الجيش يخسر نتيجة الخيانة للدولة وتحتل الدولة من قبل اعدائهم فيمسكون هم مناصب اعلي من ما كانو عليه حاليا
فقام الملك ارثر ب اعدام جميع اصدقاء الملك الذين اثبت عليهم الخيانة ومع الوقت اصبح لايفرق بينه وبين الملك فقد عرف كيف تدار البلاد والغيت الحرب نتيجة موت الخونة لمعرفة الاعداء تاكيد الخسارة بدونهم
وبعد ان اتم ارثر اكتر من 20 عاما ف الحكم
  وجد الكتاب الذي تركه والدة وجدة 
طريقه الي ارثر ..قرأه ارثر وفهم القصه كاملة 
لم يكن يريد التضحيه..فلماذا يضحي بنفسه فهو الان ملك البلاد...ماذا يريد افضل من ذلك
لكن في يوم من لايام اتت الارواح للملك اثناء نومه وعرضت عليه المكاسب و الطلبات التي ستتحقق ليه نتيجة الاضحيه و في لمح البصر تذكر السارق الذي طعن امه امام عينه في صغرة فطلب من الارواح
الانتقام من هذا الشخص وبالفعل نفذ الطلب واحضرت الارواح رأس السارق الي ارثر في نفس اليوم
وكان لابد ان يفي بالوعد وينفذ ماطلبته الارواح فذهب في طريقة للمكان المكتوب في كتاب جده ليضحي بروحة ليقوم من سباته الدائم لقرون 

Arthur the king- 1524 AC

Arthur did not know about magic anything .. On a young age he was playing with the children of his village once he heard his mother's screaming from afar so he went running to her rescue and found her suffering with a thief who wanted to steal the necklace that Magnus left for herRather, it was an amulet, so that no soul would be brought to them after his death, but the thief stabbed her in front of her child and stole the necklace and fledThe scene before Arthur did not leave his mind forever.. the thief remained in the mind of arthur forever and only wanted to become stronger physically to return the debt to him by what he did to his mother .one, the parade of the king passed from the village of Arthur to reach another place. and an accident happened to the parade. Arthur went to save the king, hoping that the king would give him some gold coins to help buy a houseBut the king was found steeped in his blood
Serendipity ... Arthur has already made a copy of the murdered kingA retinue of the king and his friends offered Arthur to be the governor for a while so that the army would not know the king's death because the army was on the verge of war.And here is the awaited king with the help of coincidences, so let us say, not spirits of his father’s plan 
After a while, Arthur knew that the king's death was arranged by his friends to weaken the state and make the army lose as a result of treason for the state. The state was occupied by their enemies, so they held higher positions than they were now.King Arthur executed all the king's friends who were proven to be treacherous. With time, he became not to differentiate between him and the king. He knew how the country was managed and the war was canceled due to the death of the traitors. because the enemy knew he can't win the war without them.
And after he has finished more than 20 years on the throne,
the book left by his grandfather found a way to reach the king ...Arthur read and understand the full story.
 He did not want to sacrifice ... so why did he sacrifice himself, as he is now the king of the country ... what he wants is better than thatBut one day, spirits came to the king during his sleep, and offered him the gains and requests that would be fulfilled for him as a result of the sacrifice.Revenge against this person in his head as know he didn't know how to find him. 
Indeed, the request was fulfilled, and the spirits brought the thief's head to Arthur. on the same dayHe had to fulfill the promise and fulfill what the spirits demanded, so he went in a way to the place written in his grandfather's book to sacrifice a spirit to rise from its eternal slumber for centuries, The Savior.
A Story of a Sacrifice #3


A Story of a Sacrifice #3
