Title: Huma Bag
Materials: Liquid Latex, Hair, Twine, Paper, Steel
Size: 20cm x 20cm x 35cm
Please Note: This is a group assignment completed in conjunction with Pia Sufferendi and Martin Iverson while studying at Griffith University (1212QCA - Visual Strategies).
Artist Statement: The Huma bag takes a critical view of the consumerism society today and was created in order to demonstrate the thoughtlessness people possess in regards to where their products come from and the affect it would have if we transformed humans in products that are now made from other living creatures. Through the deconstruction of an item that we see if everyday life we hope to challenge the viewer into questioning where the items they use and discard everyday come from.
Accompanying Booklet Text -
The human race has been in an advance state of development since the early 1800’s with the introduction of the Industrial Revolution, which has led to a mass production consumerism society. Before the Industrial Revolution society as a whole operated on the premise that all items brought into the home where used in their entirety for example when you slaughter an animal, which was usually done in a more humane manner, the skin was used for clothing, the meat for eating the bones for utensils and structure’s, this is the opposite of society today with many people not ever seeing the death of an animal in their life the transformation process of animal to product has been removed from site and therefore not thought about.
With the lack of thought in the transformation process of animals the use and discard mentality of human society has increased in prevalence.
Slaughtered in the prime of his life the MICHAEL is a limited edition pouch bag,  with the feeding up in the last seven weeks of his life the MICHAEL has primarily used the soft skin of his chest and stomach with our unique breeding program leading to the startlingly burgundy red hair.
The MICHAEL pouch bag has allocated the unique use of his chest hair as a feature to highlight the toughness of the skin and longlife for your Huma Bag with the softness of a “beer belly”
Buy the MICHAEL and add a limited edition Huma bag to your collection.
Huma Bag

Huma Bag

Created in conjunction with Pia Suffredini and Martin Iversen for 1212QCA - Visual Strategies (Griffith University, Queensland College of Art.

