"View of the nature is one of my main themes in printmaking. I find myself in nature. In the water, in the trees, on the top of the mountain. I am an integral part of it. I contemplated upon and was moved by the conception of the Ephemeral, of the
Temporary, of the Annihilation. The present that becomes past in a moment. 
Through the project "2Φ" (which means "Nature and Decay"), I tried to convey the meaning of decay. I choose to create my landscapes not only with the use of ink, but also with the engagement of white spirit. Dripping turpentine over the engraved surface, I form white spots and lines, giving the “impression” of Fading. As if the decay itself is involved into the printing.."

Between the line, Drypoint, 69x50cm, 2019
The Beginning of the End, Drypoint, 71x51 cm, 2019
Blue Lights,Drypoint,38x30 cm, 2020
Nature et L'usure

Nature et L'usure
