suddenly, the world...
the where & tare of traveling light
the world is your oyster.

having scaled the calcified & craggy shell- the hard that holds the sweet-
the meat of the dream-
the future, the family, the pearly skin of a seed
seem to have been but a figment.

historically, fig meant desire-
it symbolized the sensuous, fertility, abundance. 

resembling the feminine form- the womb itself, with no shortage of tiny seeds-
the fig's flower is not visible;
it blooms from within.

the where and tare of traveling light reframes abundance, companionship, limbo, and family.
it takes a onesie to new places.

tare is the weight of emptiness,
but it's also the crack in the road
where resilient wildflowers nest themselves;
the empty alley that captures light
and story.

                                                                                                   just like riding a bike
                                                  traveling light
                                                                                             family tree
                                                                                                                                                                                     settling down
                                                                                no strings                                                                                              russell square, london


fig*ment -the where and tare of traveling light. addressing the weight dreams take on with the passage of time, and the happy accidents inhere Meer lezen


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