Yukari MISHIMA's profile

Hide-and-Seek / 捉迷藏

A watercolor painting of a boy and a girl playing at hide-and-seek in the forest, which is to be used for Yukari Mishima's business cards and website header image. 
将在森林里玩儿捉迷藏的孩子们画出来的水彩画。这些图片用在Yukari MISHIMA的名片以及她网站的头部图片上。
note: The business cards mock-up format above (the right one) was downloaded from the following website: https://www.graphicsfuel.com/2016/03/business-cards-mockup-psd/
note: The desktop PC's mock-up format above was downloaded from the following website: https://mockuphone.com/#ios
Thank you for watching!
I would be grateful if you like and/or follow my works.​​​​​​​

Website: http://in-my-sketchbook.com/en/top/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nihaosandao/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/illustrator.yukari.mishima
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yukari_MISHIMA
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yukari-mishima-illustrator/
Weibo: https://www.weibo.com/mishimayukari
Hide-and-Seek / 捉迷藏


Hide-and-Seek / 捉迷藏

A watercolor painting depicting a boy and a girl playing at hide-and-seek in the forest, which is to be used for Yukari Mishima's business cards Read More
