Its hard to walk through furniture stores and not be inspired to create your own artwork pieces. Why not create your own custom pieces, that are one of a kind rather than mass produced. This first piece of this collection was initiated for exactly that reason.
This original piece was created to fit perfectly in the living room of my apartment.
My friend enjoyed this creation so much she asked me to design one for her loft style apartment. The location of choice was much bigger than the location of the original piece. Scaling it up was up was not a solution I was happy with and would do the space an injustice. There was a lot of potential so the designed evolved.
I created a mock up of the scaled up version to explain my concerns. My friend and I agreed that lighting was needed in that area of the room. Below are two proposals to better use the space.
Proposal #1
Proposal #2
The cost of materials was included on both designs and proposal #2 was the winner. A follow up design was created to accommodate the budget and discuss construction feasibility. The piece is scheduled to be built later this year.
Copyright Michael Finley 2013
Cubist Fix

Cubist Fix

The story began with me creating artwork for my apartment and ended with me designing artwork for my friend's apartment. Follow the evolution of Meer lezen
