
J*&AZ*#Z, Improvisation!

There’s nothing actually that special about jazz except the mood and the improvisation. It has all the key elements as all the other genres, but what really defines the jazz is it makes you flee from the ground and make you feel the harmony of all the melodies regardless how many instruments are being played.


We need to position our brand in the audience’s mind in a very emotional way that connects the Jazz lovers with the heritage of this music and accordingly with our brand, because this is how our story begins. So we need to use a much related art direction only to tell the story of this heritage, yet make it very related to the brand background story. 

It was a very challenging experience for me to create something like this using only the art direction to tell the story, so it takes me time to create the name at first which will project the idea of the physical store itself and link it with the added value. 
A.Z is from Jazz word was the first highlight that crossed my mind, illustrating what the brand really offer the audience and it was a good start to prologue the story. Starting with main part of the story where this is a place for all Jazz lovers and highlighting the heritage of this kind of music through some recalling visual techniques for the background story and this is where everything connects and be much related to the brand itself.


