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5 of the Most Popular Renewable Energy Sources

5 of the Most Popular Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular and for good reasons. Powering your home with green energy is an easy and inexpensive way to help better the world around you. There are several sources of renewable energy available. You have the power to choose energy plans that allow you to power your home with green energy. If you do not know where to look, there are several services such as Energy Outlet or Power to Choose Houston to help you find the best green energy plan. 

Here are the top 5 most popular sources of renewable energy:


You have likely heard of solar energy or even seen solar panels on the roof of a home. While there are several benefits of using solar panels, you can power your home with solar energy even if you do not have panels installed. Solar energy comes from the sun and is converted to useable energy. It is a great energy source because it will be available for us to use as long as the sun is in the sky.


Wind energy is another example of a great renewable energy source. Wind, like solar energy, is unlimited. Wind power can be harnessed and converted into useable electricity. If you have ever seen a windmill, that is exactly what they are doing. 


Water is another natural resource that can be used to harness electricity. This can be done using dams or something called “run-of-river hydropower". This system channels a part of the river flow and does not require a dam.


Biomass is an energy that comes from recently living plants or animals as they decay. This is a great form of recycling, and the whole process is carbon neutral. The energy can be captured in several ways, including burning the biomass or capturing the methane gas produced as it decomposes.
5 of the Most Popular Renewable Energy Sources

5 of the Most Popular Renewable Energy Sources


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