Project: Indios - Besos En La Espalda album cover
Deliverables: illustration, custom type, graphic design, 

Indios is a popular pop band from Argentina known for their light and upbeat songs. With their third album "Besos en la Espalda" (Kisses in the Back) they changed into a more mature sound, with lyrics that portray intimate and sensual moments. Still, the rhythm is a constant that remains present.

The cover illustrates the meeting of two people, showing only one of them. This way, the viewer turns into the one who approaches to surprise the other and celebrates him with a kiss on his back. Indios being a queer band, it was important that the person illustrated didn't have a particular gender.
Color is the protagonist in the illustration, forming the volumes as projected lights. Sets the scene at night, which could be in the privacy of a house or a dance. A space where darkness prevails and a dim light hardly highlights the details of the bodies. 
Indios - Besos en la espalda | Album Art  Design
Date: 2019
Album cover:Marte 
Graphic design:Marte
Print design: Marte
Photography:Malu Boruchowicz
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Album art - Indios

Album art - Indios
