Paper Pulp Clock
Our daily life is increasingly dependent on plastics, but less than 10% of the world's plastics are effectively recycled. From the perspective of environmental consideration, we thought about if there is a lightweight and flexible material to replace plastics, providing  long-term companionship? 
The answer was "paper", which is light and flexible in form. We used recycled sugarcane pulp as the primary material. After more than a year of continuous trials, the Paper Pulp Wall clock was born.
The clock face of Paper pulp is made from 70% recycled sugar cane pulp and 30% wood pulp. It is warm and smooth. We kept the tilted clock face design from our classic little ben wall clock but with a larger clock face. Easy to read from a distance.

Designed by PUPUPULA
Proudly Made in China
The clock face of Paper pulp is made from 70% recycled sugar cane pulp and 30% wood pulp.
Let kids be kids
Paper Pulp Wall Clock
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