Krayola at Kloset also known as my undergrad thesis... 
These were the collaterals I did for my thesis.
In life ecery person, of whatever social economic background, is bound to face at one time or another an out-of-the-ordinary occurence that mat cause him or her to suffer an emotional setback. At times may go unnoticed until the damage on the person becomes serious.
There are many kinds of emotional setbacks that people experience such as among others, the loss of a loved one, or separation of husband and wife that may have a grave impact on the children or a disease that afflicts a member of the family. There are coping mechanisms available to those affected which can help restore some sense of normalcy in their lives. The affected persons do need to go through a healing process themselves to avoid experiencing hopelessness. This thesis focuses on emotional setbacks that result from a sudden stroke.
Photography and Layout by: Amaya Lara Maceda
Krayola at Kloset


Krayola at Kloset

Collaterals for my undergrad thesis; Krayola at Kloset
