Profil von Chris Horak

Fascination with Fasciation

also known as cresting, is a relatively rare condition of abnormal growth in vascular plants in which the apical meristem (growing tip), which normally is concentrated around a single point and produces approximately cylindrical tissue, instead becomes elongated perpendicularly to the direction of growth, thus producing flattened, ribbon-like, crested (or "cristate"), or elaborately contorted, tissue.[1] Fasciation may also cause plant parts to increase in weight and volume in some instances.[2] The phenomenon may occur in the stem, root, fruit, or flower head. Some plants are grown and prized aesthetically for their development of fasciation.[3] Any occurrence of fasciation has several possible causes, including hormonal, genetic, bacterial, fungal, viral and environmental causes. (Wikipedia)
This is caused by a virus and physical contact can transfer the growth abnormality.
It seems to me that the Pitcher Plants which I enjoy, are susceptible to this virus.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Fascination with Fasciation

Fascination with Fasciation

