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Creative Photograph

The image has been edited using photoshop. The type of camera being used is Nikon D7000. This image was taken 23/5/2020 at 1:55 p.m. For this photo I try  to create a fire photography. Fire photography is an exiting genre that can help you to take powerful photos of  fire, people and landscape. The main subject was a burn black tree being eaten by the fire.

 The image has been cropped and edited using photoshop. The type of camera being  used is Nikon D7000. This image was taken 27/6/2020 at 9:19 p.m. The subject that I used in this image was a glass of carbohydrate water and a phone flash. I was drinking my favorite water while watching anime in my room, I accidentally look at my cup and see the water,  and I thought that it was kind of interesting subject to take photo .
The image has been cropped and edited using photoshop. The type of camera being used is Nikon D7000. This image was taken 8/6/2020 at 8:41 p.m. The subject that being used were eggshell, cotton and phone flash. Actually i got this idea from TikTok apps, a saw one guys used eggshell and cotton to create a photo, so I got inspired from him and try it. 
 The image has been edited using photoshop. The type of camera being used is Nikon D7000. This image was taken 27/4/2020 at 1:30 p.m. This image I took while being quarantine in the college. I was trying to create a creative photo using things that in my room. So , i took the spinner and lots of rubber bands that in my room and i put the spinner on top the rubber band.
The image has been edited using photoshop. The type of camera being used is Nikon D7000. This image was taken 1/5/2020 at 2:12 p.m. The subject I used in this image were hand sanitizer and a mirror. I used the hand sanitizer as the main subject while the red electric line in the back as  background. This photo tell the story about the time when corona virus attacked. Hand sanitizer has been a very popular item at that time so it has been sold out in most of the store.
The image has been cropped and edited using photoshop. The type of camera being  used is Nikon D7000. This image was taken 1/5/2020 at 2:48 p.m. The subject of this image was the key chain of a motorcycle and a mirror. I used the light from my phone’s flash to create the light and I’ve put some water on the mirror. This photo create a gloomy and dark feeling to it.
Creative Photograph

Creative Photograph
