Free Speech Brief

This work was produced for a MA Graphic Commincation brief with the focus of creating a brand, product and website. The task was to create a brand for a cheap throw-away mobile company called Free Speech and create visuals for a website and the project was open to creating other applications.

The Solution

The Starting point for this project was to developing a logo and a website for the brand. In addition to this I saw fit to explore other potential applications for the branding, this included a motion logo and packaging design. The following work displays my solution for this short project where I have created a cohensive feel to the branding. The solution created has a modern and very bold feel with the typefaces and colours used to an impact with high contrast. My idea was to look at making a cheap, throwaway device more appealing in a world where the smartphone is king. I approached this with the emphasis on "finding your free time again", which fits with the brand name and also the concept of smartphones being a potential time sink.

This is a was version of the Free Speech brand logo developed into a motion logo, which adds motion to the words meanings.
This displays some examples of the pages of the Free Speech website and a mockup of the splash page shown on a Mac Book screen, which shows a further thematic continuation of the brand and its colour scheme.
For the project I had to design a rough product mobile phone device to fit with the brief of having simple, cheap and throwaway device and to also be shown as a product on the website created.
The mobile devices by Free Speech will be shipped in boxes like the ones designed below. A clean an minimalist packaging showing the colours and logo of the brand.
Front and back design for the mobile phone packaging.
These images are examples taken directly from the Free Speech brand guidelines.
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Free Speech
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Free Speech

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